Sep 6, 2022Liked by M. Louisa Locke

I like reading or daily comments on your life and times. I just want you to know, though, often I simply just feel totally inadequate after I read them...be so proud you do so much. Oh, and Thanks...I love all the books, novellas, story collections and other writings (well. these) I have read...look forward to so much more...polly

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Dear Polly, Thanks for the kind words, but never feel inadequate. Part of the reason for the daily posts is that I've learned that I do better when I feel like I am accountable to others. And I am a firm believer that what counts is finding things that bring me joy (to counter balance the things that I do that are "good for me.") And there have been times in my life that meant spending an inordinate amount of time watching the Home and Garden TV station. That was the best I could do, and that was good enough!

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I am 67 and have had, at times, a wonderful life. I first realized tha I had not done nearly all I could have, perhaps should have done when I became the Executor of my mom's estate and person that she had spent almost every minute of her waking life...serving others...her children, her school classes (Elementary School 3rd-5th grades), She taught until she was 70 in Publlc Schools , getting her Masters Degree. serving, on every committee ad board (over time), teaching Sunay School, Going to College and paying for it herself, collecting and sharing her love of collecting American Stamps and teaching Stamp Clubs for children and adults, and taking classes...swimming and painting in retirement, graduate d teacher in-service programs throughout her career...and volunteering for local agencies and shops (Not for profit) and on and on...9 Grandchildren...the story is incredible...I felt inadequate then and now I so appreciate a response from you...another multipurpose and busy woman and contributor to the planet. Thank You . It is wonderful! I do so love your work. Now off to write some reviews and read some more books...my best thing. Sincerely. polly

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I had an incredibly energetic mother as well, and my best friend has always run rings around me in terms of what she gets done in a day. But I also have learned that comparisons are killers. My mother died at the age of 67, and my friend might have more energy, be more driven, but she also faces crippling anxiety at times, perfectionism can be so damaging. Then there was my father, who pretty much didn't do much outside of the 9-5 job, retired early, and then spent his retirement writing poetry, and taking multiple naps a day! I suspect I am a little bit of both my mother and father. And a a writer--bless you for reading and then writing reviews. Seems like a great goal for any day.

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Lovely post, Sister! So nice to hear of your family time. Wonder if you did get that nap? So love the Iris and other flower pictures you share.

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