Sep 15·edited Sep 15Liked by M. Louisa Locke

Giving notice of the countless little things that brighten one's day is a great way to lift ones spirits. Somewhat like counting one's blessings which is also worth doing whether one is feeling high or low. Little things that give me a lift are things like finding enough peanut butter in the jar to make peanut butter cookies. Finding that the cat will now tolerate baths at the kitchen sink and in fact purrs while I am toweling him off!

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What great things to celebrate!

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Sep 16Liked by M. Louisa Locke

I have a bird bath outside my kitchen window. This week I enjoyed the unusual sight of a woodpecker drinking the water. The mini minds were open but he did not see me as I stood very still.

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That sounds lovely! Our birds are mostly finches, and they fly away if I get too close, but come back immediately.

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Sep 16Liked by M. Louisa Locke

Just what I needed this morning, I love that you take time to notice things and share them and are rewarded by the pleasure we get reading it...

Sun shining here on many delightful things, including my windowsill flowering plants, which include a busy- lizzie and passion- flower- lots of colours and different leaf textures..

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So glad you enjoy. What may I ask is a busy-lizzie!

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