You forgot the dogs!!!!

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I know, I specifically left out Dandy because i was afraid so many people might chose him, I wouldn't get any other suggestions, and obviously I will keep using him. I also left out both Hetty and Georgie, as well as their dog, again, because I know that they all will continue to show up at this point whenever the other children are in a story.

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Thank you very much for your wonderful stories and for asking our opinions!

I would like to see some old and new side characters from Nate Dawsons job. Had women in the late 19th century options to work in law, in offices or something like that?

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Thanks for this. The options were very limited for women in law, but there were some breaking ground in SF at this time, and in Uneasy Spirits I did bring in a couple into the plot. But I definitely could at least do a novella that spent more time in the law offices with Nate's uncle, and Seth Timmons, who is Laura's boyfriend is acting as a clerk in the office as well. Thanks for the idea.

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Such difficult choices! It is interesting being able to see instant results and see that I love the same characters that many others do we well.

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This was fun! I really struggled between Biddy and Seth. I remember getting such a kick out of Biddy but took Seth in the end. I remember wanting to know more about his background, felt something lying beneath the surface. That’s my two cents. I would love to see Biddy expanded. ❤️

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