Welcome, I’m Mary Louisa Locke, the author of the USA Today best-selling Victorian San Francisco Mystery series and the Caelestis Science Fiction series. In this daily newsletter, I reflect on my life as an indie author trying to age gracefully, including my struggles to maintain a balanced life, what I listen to, read, and watch for entertainment, and occasional bits of information I’ve gleaned from doing the research for my novels.
In addition, now and again I will provide some of my fiction to read, for free, on this newsletter. Everything is available to anyone who subscribes, but I am always pleased when someone shows their appreciation for the newsletter by upgrading to paid.
Daily Diary, Day 1373:
Slept well and while I was a little worried yesterday because my different pain points were slightly more uncomfortable in this third day without any pain medication, by evening, everything, except my hands, had improved, and this morning after getting up and doing yoga, I definitely felt better than I did yesterday morning. As usual I need to be patient with the up and downs that the healing process takes.
Today I have a couple of phone calls scheduled, and I have ordered groceries, which should be here soon, and it always takes awhile to put away (and dry all the lettuce so it doesn’t go bad in the fridge.) However, I finished book three in the Foreigner series and I am anxious to start on book four today (at some point I downloaded all the books in this series onto my Kindle.)
It’s another day of June gloom, so probably only a short period of sun in afternoon, but it did get up to 72 in neighborhood yesterday so I have hopes we will get sun today. My first walk today was early enough so that I ran into a family taking their son to elementary school, all three of them on bicycles, which is always fun to see. There are a couple of other families that I run into in my walks that are often riding bikes with their kids. I also ran into a father who was walking two dogs and his toddler daughter, who was just tall enough to be able to hold onto his hand while they were walking together. She wasn’t all that much taller than the dogs, so I hope they’re very well behaved dogs.
One of the things that I love about my neighborhood is that there is a good mix of senior citizens out walking sometimes even with walkers, then young adults, often jogging, and then parents with kids. There’s one particular family just a few doors up from ours that I run into almost daily. Over the last three years, I’ve been able to watch the mother first walk a dog and her new baby, then watched the baby become able to sit up in stroller has the mother became more and more pregnant, at which point the father became part of most of these trips so he could walk the dog. And now it is usually the father walking dog and the mother pushing a stroller with both the toddler and the infant. And then within our block there are also two households who have signs out congratulating their young people for being graduating high school seniors! You can see why I enjoy my walks.
That and the beautiful rose blooms!
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Walking in our senior community (over two miles of loopy flowered walk paths) is one of the favorite part of my day/evening. We have rose gardens and benches for resting and clippers attached for cutting and taking roses home. Another favorite gathering place is the dog park. Many of us up in years (average age here is 84) use walkers and the sweetest service animals seem friendly to all. I just like to visit and watch the dogs play.
Best of both worlds! An ideal neighborhood and such lovely plants to behold!