Daily Diary, Day 999: My usual Sunday, where I gave the downstairs a thorough cleaning, which includes dusting all the bookshelves, dry and wet mopping the floors, washing all the various couch covers (which at the end of the week have developed a lovely doggy aroma), cleaning the downstairs bathroom, etc. Took 2 hours, that I did in two bits during the times my husband is walking the dog. One of the reasons I am so thorough, and do my cleaning when he is out of the house) is because he has dust and pollen allergies. But it also gives me a good workout!
Anyway, I didn't feel at all knackered when was I was done, which means I am building my strength back up, which was very heartening. I might even start to put some of my chair Pilates exercises into the mix this week.
I also did finish writing scene 4 of the short story, which I will give one more go-through and publish tomorrow. And, after lunch I plan on starting on scene 5.
Since I didn't walk, no new photos from outside, but I thought I would publish some photos from the lovely bouquet a friend gave me for helping her with some writing. So, enjoy!

Happy Sunday! Thanks for all the snippets. 😊